about Schnoog

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…the label that impresses:


We produce and install …

… since 1984, Schnoog, the label that captivates,
in safe hands.It all started in the
"Living Room Sound Brewery"at Gaulgasse 15
in Offenbach near Landau.Small but nice!
First and foremost, we hadrecorded purely acoustic material. And that hasn't changed to this day.
We have more than 100 CDs here
in the meantime in our recording studioproduced in the old half-timbered house in Rheinau-Diersheim…
… and – if desired –also on the label Schnoog (LC 8992)or other labels from our company.
SCHNOOG, the life that captivates,is a record label,but also a music publisher
with well over 1000 titles according to the GEMA database,
and a book publisherfor regional, down-to-earth and "pretty close to the literature"...
Incidentallywe also shoot videos and films.
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